Donation Request
Attention Schools and Qualified Non-Profit Organizations: Request Your Free Admission Tickets for Fundraising!
At Muse Knoxville, we understand the importance of supporting our local community. We receive numerous donation requests each month and to make a meaningful impact, we have reserved a limited number of free general admission tickets specifically for community fundraising events.
Priority is given to schools and non-profit organizations that share our mission of sparking curiosity, exploring science and technology, and nurturing a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
To ensure that your request meets our criteria, please review the following guidelines:
Requests must be made online through DonationMatch. Start by setting up an online profile using our referral code: muse.
- Your event or organization should align with our mission.
- Your event or organization must not have received a donation from us within the past 12 months.
- Muse Knoxville must be included in your event marketing materials.
- Eligible applicants include schools (public or private) and 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations.
- Please submit your request 4-6 weeks prior to the event date.
If your request meets the above requirements, please apply and request our tickets through DonationMatch. Kindly note that we are unable to accept mailed or faxed donation requests. If passes are still available, we will gladly mail a four-pack of admission passes to the address provided in your application.
For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to, and we’ll be happy to assist you.
We are delighted to support the following:
- Schools (public and private)
- 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations
We regret to inform you that we are unable to donate to the following:
- For-profit organizations
- 501(c) organization types other than (3)
- Third-party requests (for-profit organizations or individuals raising money for another group)
- Events benefiting a single person or family
- Organizations associated with political and/or legislative activities (lobbying)
Thank you for considering Muse Knoxville as a partner for your fundraising efforts. We appreciate your commitment to our community and our shared mission.